Terms & Conditions

By using this website, you expressly agree to and are bound by our terms and conditions of use.

We provide churches, non-profits, and missionaries with the ability to receive money from doners who make micro-donations by rounding up their monthly credit card purchases to the nearest dollar and giving it to the organization.

  1. We are not held responsible for what the receiving organization does with the proceeds.
  2. We do not guarantee any set amounts to be donated.
  3. Donors will be give a $5 minimum donation per month.
  4. We expressly have the right to refuse service to any organization.
  5. We expressly have the right to terminate any organizations who are operating unethically.
    6. All donations are non-refundable and non-returnable for any reason whatsoever. We have the right to hold all funds donated to terminated organizations or organizations that go out of business. We will donate all such held funds to any organization registered with us at our sole discretion.

This website is subject to U.S. Copyright and Trademark Law.